Saturday, 6 July 2013

Telling the Painful Truth and Running like Hell

The world of western espionage was torn open with the leaking of US & UK details on top-secret mass surveillance programmes by Mr. Edward Joseph Snowden, a former technical contractor for the NSA and CIA. 

The whistle blower leaked information on top-secret programmes like PRISM (a clandestine national security electronic surveillance programme of the US government) and Tempora (British equivalent)). Snowden who told the world of the US and UK governments use of these programmes to tap telephone lines and access email accounts of its citizenry without permission of any kind is now seriously on the run- and why shouldn’t he? With the might of the combined powers of the US and UK bearing down on him running and hiding have become second nature.

We first encountered Snowden hiding out in Honk Kong, giving interviews and singing like a canary until the pressure mounted on the Chinese Government was too much to bear coupled with his passport being revoked by the US government, he fled. Fast forward to the Moscow airport transit space where Snowden is stuck in limbo waiting for the right opportunity to try to beat the security network closing in on him. The Governments of Ecuador, Russia or Venezuela have invited Snowden to apply for asylum, and there is little doubt that it would be granted.

The wow factor here is that, Mr. Snowden crept out of Hong Kong on a revoked passport to boot and flew half way across the world to the warm embrace of the Russians. How? Who does that? Anyway as we wish Mr. Snowden bon voyage to the country of his choosing, here is advice for all you would be whistleblowers: a) Make sure you have friends in VERY powerful places who can make you disappear, b) Ensure that the piece of information you want to give out will make one or two powerful countries snigger in private and be willing to grant you asylum even if it’s just to prove a point against the country you are selling out on, c) if people like Julian Assange are not friends of yours- forget it.

Well now, we know it; there are systems and programmes in the world capable of breaking the private sanctity of our email accounts and private lines. So the next time you hear me or any other conspiracy theorist telling you about the “eye in the sky”, think am oh!

* Our jury is still out

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