to the BBC recently, it came to my attention that India had just put another
space craft into orbit, this time they were headed for Mars. Incidentally, the
Indians managed to find water in some rocks on the Moon in 2008. There is something
interesting about the year 2008 as it concerns successes and failures. It was
in 2008 that the western world including most of Africa fell under a grueling
financial meltdown, of which most countries are still struggling to come out
from. Ask Greece, Spain, even America not to talk of Nigeria, where all the
economic indicators are just numbers. Policies, personalities make things
happen in Nigeria not grandiose economic plans and forecasts. Back to space
travel: around 2007 China also sent an orbiter into space, to gather
information etc, India (as I said) sent an orbiter into space in 2008, while
the western world groaned and crashed, isn't there an omen here. Should we not
look eastward these days? Is that not where the sun rises? The world power
balance and finance table is turning, new super powers are emerging and they
all seem to be coming from the east.
total contrast, we here in our beautiful country are weighed down by a
N255million scandal, stories of “rebel” governors, no water, no light, bad
roads and religious missions to Israel and Mecca and universities on strike. Everyone knows there are
potholes on the streets of India, everyone knows that India is largely poor,
however, the people and government have decided to make their mark on earth and
even in the heavens. India produces its own steel, so they make their own cars,
armored tanks, trains and railway lines. Their educational and medical
standards are the stuff we dream about here in Nigeria. I’m not saying we, as
a country should giddy up and head out into space, no! Don’t hang me yet. I
just believe that the issues that weigh us down, bog us, permeate us, insult
and embarrass us are too mundane and degenerate. I mean how can we still be
getting promises of constant light at this time and age. All business and
lifestyle depends on power, costs, maintenance etc all depend on power. Lets
get it right as a people, let’s vote the right people into office and challenge
them with clear and achievable milestones, if they don’t deliver, we kick them
back into oblivion and look forward to a brighter day. After all we are in Africa,
the sun lives here, we have no reason to visit the sun or his siblings. All
we need is decent and sustainable living.
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